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Castle Hill Tutoring Centre English and Maths


Learning Space is a safe space for students to learn and improve their academic results.

The team works hard to ensure that the centre is free of COVID 19.



Online and Face-to-Face Sessions


Learning Space offers both online and face-to-face sessions. Please indicate the preferred format upon enrollment.


Conditions of Entry


Please help us keep it safe by respecting the following.

  • Do not enter if you are unwell.

  • Use the hand sanitisers provided and regularly wash your hands.

  • Where possible, we ask parents to wait outside for their children.

  • Practise social distancing.

Learning Space offers online sessions if it is more comfortable for the student.



When we go Completely Online


Learning Space adheres to the NSW regulations. The centre practises measures that are consistent with the schools in the local area. If the local schools are conducting lessons online, Learning Space will also only deliver lessons online for Years 5 to 12.

Current advice for the practises of schools in NSW can be found here.



Online Sessions


The teachers will deliver the lessons using the following platforms.

  • Google Classroom
    The student will need a non-school email to connect.

  • Zoom
    Connection Instructions will be posted in the Google Classroom.

Bookings into these sessions are through the normal process via our Booking Page.


Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. Please contact us if you have any further enquiries regarding COVID 19 lockdowns and restrictions.


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